Can you eat ramen on your period?

In this brief guide, we will discuss the question “ can you eat ramen on your period?”. We will also answer questions about what ramen is, the safety of eating ramen on periods, the foods to avoid on periods and those to have on periods.

Can you eat ramen on your period?

No, you should not eat ramen on your period. Although ramen is dense in nutrients based on the different types of ingredients used in their preparation, it is packed with lots of processed ingredients which are high in salts and sodium and these only worsen the experience on periods. 

What is ramen?

Ramen is a Japanese noodle soup made with a flavorful broth, one of several types of noodles, and a variety of meats or vegetables, frequently topped with a boiled egg. 

Ramen is considered a fast dish in Japan, with many small eateries and street sellers selling this tasty soup. Ramen comes in a range of flavours, depending on the broth used, the noodles used, and the toppings utilised.  

Is it safe to eat ramen on your period?

It is unsafe to eat ramen on your period, though the dish is dense in nutrients. Most of the ingredients used in their preparation are highly processed making them high in salt (sodium), sugars, fats and other refined foods. These foods only worsen your experiences during menstruation, thus it is good to avoid them. 

What are the foods to avoid on your periods?

Just as eating proper foods can help you manage your periods better, eating the wrong foods during your period might raise your chances of experiencing period pain, stress, sleepless nights, and other monthly cycle symptoms. Here are foods that may escalate menstrual issues and the need to avoid them:

  • Salty Food: Avoid eating things like chips, namkeens, savouries, and others while you are menstruation, even if you are tempted. Avoid any packaged foods because they are high in salt. Bloating is a common side effect of menstruation owing to water retention. Cutting back on salty meals can help you feel less bloated.
  • Refined flours: If you enjoy pizzas, pasta, white bread, and parathas, you should limit your intake of refined flour (maida) during your period. Refined flours, such as maida, result in indigestion by causing constipation and gas in the stomach. When the nutrients in refined grains like white rice and maida are removed, blood sugar levels might fluctuate.
  • Sugary foods: During your period, you stay away from sweets and other sugary beverages. Sugary foods cause blood sugar levels to become unbalanced during menstruation. Mood swings and tension are the results of such oscillations. Sugars consumed also make abdominal pains worse and make you tired.
  • Fried foods: When you are on your period, avoid deep-fried foods like bajjis, pakodas, and french fries. Heavy foods, such as red meat and whole-milk dairy products, should also be avoided.  High-fat foods cause inflammation in the body, which raises the chance of PMS symptoms like cramps, back pain, and other discomforts. Period discomfort is linked to saturated fats and trans-fats found in fried and fatty foods. 
  • Excessive coffee and tea consumption: If you often consume these, attempt to reduce the number of cups of coffee consumed. Caffeine in coffee and tea has been shown to aggravate cramping. Dairy consumption should be restricted on period days as well. 
  • Alcohol: Avoid alcoholic beverages if you want to enjoy your monthly cycle days free of aches and pains. Higher amounts of alcohol use enhance oestrogen levels in the body, causing severe PMS. It is also bad for mood swings while you are on your period.
  • Carbonated beverage: If you have period pains, stay away from fizzy beverages. It causes bloating, and the extra sugar in these carbonated beverages causes abdominal cramping.
  • Processed Food: If you eat pickles with every meal, avoid them during your period. Pickles, quick noodles, papads, canned and frozen foods, and other processed foods should be avoided during periods. Processed foods can exacerbate hormonal fluctuations during periods. Processed dietary ingredients are incompatible with hormonal balance during periods.

What foods are great to eat on your period?

Just as bad foods can cause abdominal pains and other PMS symptoms, consuming the foods with the right nutrients supports your body during menstruation. Some foods that are excellent to have on your periods include:

Dark Chocolate 

Dark chocolate, with at least 70% cocoa content, is the only type of chocolate you should be looking for on your periods. Dark chocolate is high in magnesium, which helps to regulate serotonin, the happy hormone, and balances your mood when PMS symptoms.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Greens are high in iron, which you lose a lot of during your period. During your period it is the time to get as many green vegetables in as possible: spinach, kale, and swiss chard which will all help with your iron levels. You can use spinach to make a smoothie, omelette greens, or pesto for pasta by blending a bunch.


Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help relax muscles and relieve cramping. Vegetarians may consider avocados, walnuts, pumpkin, and flax seeds as good sources of Omega-3 on your periods.


Banana is a superb mood booster due to its high vitamin B6 content. It is also high in potassium and magnesium, both of which can assist with bloating and water retention. Bananas are also good for your digestion, which is always a plus.


Yoghurt, which is high in beneficial bacteria, can aid with digestion and bloating. Prepare overnight oats with yoghurt so you can eat them first thing in the morning, or pile on the granola. Likewise, create some smoothie ice creams with yoghurt.

Whole Grain

Substitute wholewheat bread and pasta for white bread and pasta to significantly reduce your period symptoms. They will keep you satiated for longer, while their high fibre content assists with digestion and bloating.


In this brief guide, we have discussed the question “ can you eat ramen on your period?”. We have also answered questions about what ramen is, the safety of eating ramen on periods, the foods to avoid on periods and those to have on periods.


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