Can you eat pizza with c diff?

In this brief guide, we will address the question “ can you eat pizza with c diff?”. We will also talk about what is c diff, what is the effect of c diff, what is the c diff diet, what are the foods you can eat with c diff, what foods should you avoid with cdiff and the safety of eating pizza with c diff.

Can you eat pizza with cdiff?

No, you can’t eat pizza with c diff. Pizza is a processed food that contains sugars and yeats and these may breed more harmful bacteria. It is important to avoid them until you are fully recovered and begin to eat them.

What is c diff?

Clostridium difficile is a bacterial strain that causes severe diarrhoea and intestinal infection in people when they come into contact with contaminated surfaces, materials, or people.

Inflammation of the colon may arise from bacterial infection. Although it can affect persons of any age, this bacterial illness is most typically found in elderly folks.

What is the effect of c diff?

Severe diarrhoea is the most common symptom of C. diff, which can lead to dehydration and an inability to absorb nutrients from food.

What is the c diff diet?

Your food and nutrition have a big impact on your health while with c diff, as a result, what you consume before, during, and after therapy is critical. When you have C diff and are being treated for it, you may benefit from eating foods that are easy on your stomach and help manage the diarrhoea. 

During this time, you are advised to eat soft, easily digestible foods. It is also crucial to drink lots of water as dehydration is typically associated with watery diarrhoea. 

What are the foods you can eat with c diff?

When you suffer a C diff infection, you should consider adding foods to your diet that can help you heal faster. Some foods that are good and should be consumed include:

  • Probiotics are beneficial and living bacteria that help fight the C. diff germ. They help restore beneficial bacteria to the gastrointestinal tract, which helps to lessen or eliminate watery diarrhoea. Common foods that contain probiotics are active yoghurt cultures and fermented foods such as sauerkraut and miso contain them. Probiotics can also be used as a supplement.
  • Water: Since c diff infestation is commonly observed as diarrhoea, it is important to drink plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration. Water and broth-based soups are wonderful options to treat c diff.
  • Soluble fibre-rich foods can aid in the treatment of the infection in your system. Some of these foods are oranges, oatmeal, flaxseed, and lentils.
  • Protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, and turkey are all easy-to-digest protein sources. Dairy, almond milk, flax milk, hemp milk, and soy milk are all good calcium sources to try which can help with a C diff. 
  • Non-cruciferous veggies cooked thoroughly, juiced, or added to green smoothies or soups are also great choices. Some of the vegetables are beets, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers, and celery among others.
  • If you’re going to eat fruits, go for low-sugar options like bananas, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, kiwi, or papaya.

What foods should you avoid with cdiff?

When you are with c diff infection, it is best to stay off some foods that can worsen the situation of severe diarrhoea. Certain foods that should be avoided since they can aggravate stomach discomfort, gas, or cramps are raw veggies, spicy foods, fried or greasy food, caffeinated beverages, high-fat foods, beans and some synthetic cooking oils.

  • Sugar and yeast: Sugar feeds yeast and bacteria that are bad for you. Sugar must be avoided if you have a bacterial overgrowth of any kind. This also includes all sugary drinks and even exceptionally sweet fruits to avoid aggravating your stomach problems. Sodas, pastries, and anything with added or processed sugar are extremely unhealthy, with a c diff. 
  • White starchy foods and all those delicious high-starch meals, such as white rice, white bread, and pasta, will feed harmful bacteria.
  • Gluten, as well as the majority of grains and legumes: After you’ve had C. diff., it’s recommended to avoid all grains (at least for a while). Gluten and wheat can both induce leaky gut or exacerbate it if you already have one. Avoid foods that will irritate your gut lining even more.
  • Raw foods are difficult to digest once the c. diff has made its way through your colon to destroy as much as it can easily on your colon and consume soft and cooked foods at first.

    For a while after c. diff, raw meals will be difficult to digest. When eating raw foods, chew them thoroughly into mush so that your body has an easier time digesting them. This will provide you with a rapid nutrient boost without requiring your body to break down a fresh leafy salad.
  • Processed foods: Processed foods should be avoided at all costs. Aside from the sugar, salts, (unhealthy) oils, and whatever taste enhancers are added to processed meals, there is also a slew of chemicals and preservatives. In general, chemicals and preservatives should not be consumed, but this is especially true now. Your body is battling C. diff and trying to detox from all of the bacterial die-off and poisons.

Is it safe to eat pizza with c diff?

It is highly unsafe and unhealthy to eat pizza with a c diff. Pizza is a cuisine made of dough with a topping of diverse origins based on your preference. 

The pizza dough is commonly made from wheat flour, sugar and yeast while the toppings can include vegetables and others that are not properly cooked. 

These ingredients can worsen the c diff condition as they turn to breed more harmful bacteria. You must avoid pizza and other sugar based and processed foods or eat with caution.


In this brief guide, we have addressed the question “ can you eat pizza with c diff?”. We have also talked about what is c diff, what is the effect of c diff, what is the c diff diet, what are the foods you can eat with c diff, what foods should you avoid with cdiff and the safety of eating pizza with c diff.


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