Can you eat jello when you have diarrhea?

In this article we are going to answer can you eat jello when you have diarrhea, what is jello, what is diarrhea, what are the causes of diarrhea, and a recommended diet to treat diarrhea and ease symptoms. 

Can you eat jello when you have diarrhea?

Yes, you can eat jello when you have diarrhea. Jello contains a high quantity of water and helps hydrating (3). Just be careful when you choose your jello because some artificial sweeteners in high amounts can cause loose stools (4). 

Why is jello a good option when you have diarrhea?

Jello is a good food option while suffering from an episode of diarrhea or when recovering from a diarrhea, because jello contains a high amount of water in a portion.

The ingestion of fluids is essential to avoid dehydration, which is of increased risk when having diarrhea (1). Severe dehydration can lead to dangerous consequences and even death.

The administration of fluids to prevent and treat mild dehydration can be made orally with the ingestion of liquids and foods containing high amounts of water, if there is no persistent vomiting. However, in the cases of great dehydration signs, medical assistance should be called.

Jello is indicated due to its high portion of water. One cup of jello (240g) contains about 200 g of water, which means that jello is over 80% water (3). For each cup of jello that you eat, you are drinking more than ¾ cup of water.

In addition, jello also contains sodium and phosphorus, which are minerals that have to be recovered after the losses during the diarrhea. 

Why is the risk of eating jello when you have diarrhea?

The risk of eating jello when you have diarrhea is the ingestion of jello containing artificial sweeteners, which can induce diarrhea.

Sorbitol and some non-absorbable alcohols are used as sweeteners in some dessert products. Sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol are naturally present in some fruits and can be industrially produced out of glucose molecules. 

Because they can be only partially absorbed in the intestines, they cause unwanted gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating and diarrhea, in some individuals, when ingested in large amounts (4).

Another point to consider is that jello contains mainly sugars, which are not positive considering the nutritional needs during diarrhea or after having a diarrhea (1). 

During or after suffering from diarrhea, nutrients such amino acids, low digestible carbohydrates (such as noodles), and vitamins. Jello is poor in macronutrients and vitamins. Vitamins such as vitamin C, B, E, A, B  and minerals such as zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron are required for a fast recovery.

What foods should you eat for diarrhea?

For diarrhea, you should eat foods that are easily digested and contain liquids, such as chicken soup, chicken broth, herbal teas without caffeine, caffeine-free soft drinks, and fruit juices (2). It is recommended to eat small amounts of food rather than in large quantities.

Foods that are helpful are low-fiber foods, e.g., white rice, mashed potatoes, bananas, applesauce, yogurt, graham crackers, low-fat cottage cheese, and dry toast. To recover the lost minerals, you should eat foods high in potassium (bananas, potatoes, apricots) which is an important mineral often lost through diarrhea.

Avoid acidic juices, dairy products and aspirin, ibuprofen and medications containing these (5).

How to treat diarrhea faster?

To treat diarrhea faster, you should ingest a large quantity of fluids. Standard oral rehydration solutions are used commonly to combat this situation, such as Peyalyte and Rehydralyte. 

A homemade rehydration solution can be made with Sugar and salt water 1 quart cup water, ¾ teaspoon of salt and 6 teaspoons of sugar (6).

The ingestion of vitamins and minerals is recommended, as they help recover from the losses caused during the diarrhea episode. 

The ingestion of probiotics is also beneficial, as they improve the immune system and help recover the gut microbiota (1).The use of probiotics may have potential as an antidiarrheal agent.

Most of the time diarrhea does not need medical treatment but if your situation lasts for more than 3 days then the best way to treat your diarrhea is to go to your doctor so that he may discover the actual cause of diarrhea and it may be treated with antibiotics or from other methods. 


This article answered Can you eat jello when you have diarrhea, what is jello, what is diarrhea, what are the causes of diarrhea, and recommended diet to treat diarrhea and ease symptoms. 


  1. Alam, Nure H., and Hasan Ashraf. Treatment of infectious diarrhea in children. Pediatric Drugs, 2003, 5, 151-165.
  2. Managing Diarrhea. Michigan State University.
  3. Gelatin Dessert. Food Data. United States Department of Agriculture.
  4. Hattori, Kouya, et al. Gut microbiota prevents sugar alcohol-induced diarrhea. Nutrients, 2021, 13, 2029.
  5. Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea. UWSP University Health Service.
  6. Parrish, Carol Rees, and John K. DiBaise. Short bowel syndrome in adults—part 3. Hydrating the adult patient with short bowel syndrome. Practical Gastroenterol, 2015, 39, 10-18. 

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