Can you eat frosted flakes with braces

In this brief guide, we will address the query, “can you eat frosted flakes with braces?” We will also discuss when it is necessary to use braces, and how you can change your diet to avoid any complications in your treatment.

Can you eat frosted flakes with braces?

No, you cannot eat frosted flakes with braces. Cereals with high quantities of sugar can cause some damage to your teeth, which will have some repercussions on your orthodontic treatment. When you have braces, the best is to avoid any kind of crunchy and hard cereal.

Imagine you are enjoying a plate of your favorite flakes and all of sudden a piece of flake gets stuck in between your teeth, it hurts a lot! Also, it can cause some of your braces to go off.

What type of cereal can you eat with braces?

Cereal is such an easy food to prepare when you have nothing else to eat, or you do not feel like cooking. However, braces wearers may want to stay away from cereal as it is crunchy and usually, it has a lot of added sugars.

I know it can be sad, but the best is to stay away from crunchy cereals while you have braces. But not everything is lost, you can still enjoy some hot cereals that are softer and do not have that much sugar. Some hot cereals are:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Rice cereal.
  • Cream-of-wheat.

A little tip I give you if you want to still enjoy crunchy cereals is to let it soak in milk for some time, or until you notice it has turned soft, this way you can avoid putting too much pressure on your brackets while chewing.

Why is sugar not recommended when you have braces?

Sugar is not recommended with or without braces because it can lead to acid in your mouth, which can lead to tooth decay. Also, if you eat too much sugar some build up can be formed and leave some staining on the teeth.

Also, sugar can lead to tooth sensitivity as a result of the acids formed. As a result tooth enamel can be removed, leaving teeth more susceptible to tooth decay.

What can you eat with braces?

It may seem that braces stop you from eating whatever you want, however with a little bit of practice, you can eat almost whatever you want, but in the first several weeks you may even feel that your teeth will fall off, which is why is recommended to keep a special soft diet, which may contain:

  • Oatmeal
  • Rice cereal
  • Yogurt
  • Pudding
  • Jell-O
  • Smoothies
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Soup
  • Broth
  • Mashed potatoes

However, after time passes, you will feel your teeth just as normal, but you should still be very cautious about what you eat, some food allowed during your treatment is:

  • Boiled vegetables
  • Boneless
  • Eggs
  • Bread
  • Hamburgers
  • Pancakes
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Cake

All you need to look for is soft, or not so hard, food, and you will be good to go.

Why are braces needed?

Braces are a really popular treatment nowadays, but why do people need braces? Well, braces are dental tools that can help solve some issues with your teeth and jaw. Some of the most common problems that need to be solved with braces are:

  • Crossbites. When you have a crossbite, your upper teeth sit inside your lower ones, which can lead to misaligned jaw growth, jaw joint issues, and fractured teeth.
  • Crowded teeth. As its name suggests, this occurs when there is not enough space for all teeth, so some may be positioned in the wrong place and at the wrong angle, which makes it harder to have proper hygiene in teeth and gums.
  • Midline misalignment. This condition causes both your upper and lower front teeth to not be properly aligned. This can cause effects on the jaw and dental function.
  • Open bite. People with an open bite have their upper and lower front teeth separated, so they do not touch or overlap. When an open bite becomes severe, then some jaw surgery may be needed. 
  • Protrusion. People with protrusion have their upper front teeth extending too far in front of the lower teeth. This can lead to crowding between the lower front teeth, or excessive spaces between the upper front teeth.

What are the general recommendations when you have braces? 

If you just have your braces on, there are some guidelines that you need to follow:

  • Avoid hard, crunchy, and chewy foods.
  • You will feel your teeth as normal after several days, do not be desperate.
  • Is normal to feel some discomfort after getting your braces, make sure you have some pain relievers around your house.
  • Buy the appropriate toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss to thoroughly clean your braces.

If you want further guidance on this subject, please click here.

Other FAQs about Flakes that you may be interested in.

Can you eat Bonito flakes?


In this brief guide, we have addressed the query, “can you eat frosted flakes with braces?” We have also discussed other queries related to the subject at hand. 

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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