Can you eat feta cheese with gastritis

In this brief guide, we will address the query, “can you eat feta cheese with gastritis?” We will also discuss what gastritis is, what effects it has on human health, and the recommended diet for this condition.

Can you eat feta cheese with gastritis?

No, feta cheese cannot be eaten with gastritis. You should avoid eating any kind of brined cheese, like feta cheese, as it can worsen the symptoms of gastritis. When you have this condition it is better to prefer some fresh cheeses.

Living with gastritis makes you want to change your diet to decrease symptoms as much as possible. Keep reading to find out more about this subject!

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is a condition in which the lining of the stomach exhibits inflammation, irritation, or erosion after suffering some damage. Gastritis can be acute, which means it occurs all of sudden, or chronic.

Most people have dealt with gastritis at some point in their lives, with the correct treatment, it can improve quickly, if not, the condition can become chronic. 

What causes gastritis?

As said before, gastritis causes inflammation that can originate from different actions, such as:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Chronic vomiting.
  • Stress. That is why gastritis is so common nowadays.
  • Some medications can also cause gastritis, like aspirin or some other anti-inflammatory medicine.
  • Bacterial infection of Helicobacter pylori can lead to ulcer formation, and for some, it can also cause stomach cancer.
  • Bile reflux, if bile backflows into the stomach, gastritis can be caused.
  • Some other bacterial or viral infections. 

Gastritis should be attended to as soon as possible to reduce any severe effects.

What are gastritis symptoms?

Most people with gastritis caused by bacterial infection may not exhibit any symptoms. But for some others it does, these symptoms can be:

  • Feeling sick
  • Feeling full after eating
  • Stomach pain
  • Burning sensation in your stomach
  • Hiccups
  • Loss of appetite
  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting blood
  • Black feces 

Not all people exhibit all of these symptoms, some even may not exhibit any. But if you happen to feel them, go see a doctor to treat your gastritis ASAP!

What can you eat with gastritis?

To deal with gastritis, you should change your diet to a bland diet, it would be very helpful for you. But, what foods are included in a bland diet? Well, these are some gastritis-friendly foods:

  • Boiled vegetables
  • Refined cereal grains
  • Eggs, they can be cooked as you want, but avoid using oil or any other grease, and also moderate their consumption.
  • Poultry
  • White fish
  • Herbal tea
  • Certain fruits

What foods should you avoid with gastritis?

Foods that are likely to cause more severe symptoms are:

  • Any kind of processed foods
  • Fried foods
  • Fatty foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Red meat
  • Citrus fruits
  • Fruit juices
  • Vegetable juices
  • Fermented beverages, like beer or wine
  • Yellow cheese
  • Brine cheeses
  • Sausage

In general, you should stay away from foods rich in additives and preservatives as they can irritate your stomach.

What is feta cheese?

Feta cheese was first created in Greece and has become popular in the modern diet. It is made from goat’s and sheep’s milk that can be either pasteurized or not. It is part of the soft cheeses, just like blue cheese and camembert.

Its texture can be described as creamy and crumbly, and its taste is kind of salty and tangy. The smell has some nutty strong notes. It is one of the cheeses with the highest levels of calcium.

This cheese can be used in different ways, as a table cheese or melted on a traditional Greek salad, pizza, or pie. We recommend you pair it with olive oil, nuts, or roasted red peppers. If you are more into wine, pair it with a Pinot Noir, a Sauvignon Blanc, or a Zinfandel.

What are the nutrition facts of feta cheese?

According to official data, the serving size of feta cheese (150 g) can provide you with the following nutrients:

Total Fat31.9g
Saturated Fat22.4g
Monounsaturated Fat6.9g
Polyunsaturated Fat0.9g
Vitamin K2.7mg

If you want to read more about the nutrition facts of feta cheese, please click here.

As you can tell on the table, feta cheese provides us with high amounts of fat, which is proven to be prejudicial for people with gastritis. For the most appropriate diet, you should visit a specialist.

Other FAQs about Feta Cheese that you may be interested in.

Can feta cheese go in the oven

Can you eat feta cheese with acid reflux

Can you eat feta cheese with crackers


In this brief guide, we have addressed the query, “can you eat feta cheese with gastritis?” We have also discussed other queries related to the subject at hand.

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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