Can you eat dynamites with braces

In this brief guide, we will address the query, “can you eat dynamite rolls with braces?” We will also discuss when it is necessary to use braces, and how you can change your diet to avoid any complications in your treatment.

Can you eat dynamite rolls with braces?

Yes, you can eat dynamites with braces, but there is the risk of getting a piece of crunchy, hard, and sticky food stuck between the wire of your braces, and that is definitely not what you want.

Once you get accustomed to your braces, it is all about the eating technique, you will notice that you will be able to eat almost whatever you want without any harm. Another important factor is to keep the best hygiene you can to avoid any inconvenience.

Braces are an effective treatment to align your teeth and jaw, but you need to take good care of them to avoid any complications during your treatment.

What is dynamite?

When we talk about dynamite we refer to the Filipino snack consisting of deep-fried chili peppers wrapped in a thin egg crèpe. It sounds amazing, and it is! But, as it is deep-fried it may be prejudicial for braces wearers.

If you have ever visited this country, you may have seen dynamites on the side of the street as they are one of the most popular Filipino snacks. Besides, as pepper is not that spicy, dynamite can be eaten by anyone who wants it.

Why is this snack called dynamite? It can also be called “Dinamita” which is the Spanish word for dynamite. Their spicy flavor and their form can be very alike to real dynamite, long and thin with reddish coloration.

Would you like to try them? I am sure I will be crazy about the texture and ease of eating.

Is dynamite hard to eat?

This famous snack is made through a deep-fried process, which may cause the texture to be extremely crunchy, and sometimes a little bit hard. People with braces are told to avoid any kind of hard food, as it can damage the wires of the orthodontic piece.

However, if you prepare dynamite, you can modulate the crunchiness and hardness, so you can safely enjoy this delicious snack. Also, if you have some time with your braces, you know it is all in the technique used to eat, and in the hygiene!

If you want to try this snack, click on this link to get a delicious recipe for dynamite. It will only take you less than half an hour to prepare them, tell us what you think of this snack!

Why are braces needed?

Braces are dental tools that can help us solve some issues with your teeth and jaw. Some of the most common problems that need to be solved with braces are:

  • Crossbites. When you have a crossbite, your upper teeth sit inside your lower ones, which can lead to misaligned jaw growth, jaw joint issues, and fractured teeth.
  • Crowded teeth. As its name suggests, this occurs when there is not enough space for all teeth, so some may be positioned in the wrong place and at the wrong angle, which makes it harder to have proper hygiene in teeth and gums.
  • Midline misalignment. This condition causes both your upper and lower front teeth to not be properly aligned. This can cause effects on the jaw and dental function.
  • Open bite. People with an open bite have their upper and lower front teeth separated, so they do not touch or overlap. When an open bite becomes severe, then some jaw surgery may be needed. 
  • Protrusion. People with protrusion have their upper front teeth extending too far in front of the lower teeth. This can lead to crowding between the lower front teeth, or excessive spaces between the upper front teeth.

As teeth, and all of your mouth, are connected directly to the brain, if you have some dental issues, all of your body will be affected. Also, there is the aesthetic aspect, braces can boost your self-esteem, so if your teeth disposition is an issue to you, go see an orthodontist and start your treatment now, you will not regret it. 

What are the general recommendations to take good care of braces?

Taking good care of your braces is not as hard as it may seem, you only need to take into consideration certain factors, such as:

  • Choose an appropriate toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, and mouth rinse. This will make the cleaning process easier.
  • After each meal, remove the food stuck between your braces. It is normal, all of us braces wearers struggle with stuck food, but it can be solved very quickly.
  • Floss a minimum of once a day. Floss is great to take good care of your gums too.
  • Take care of your diet. It is true you do not need to have such a restrictive diet, but you also need to control your hard food intake. 


In this brief guide, we have addressed the query, “can you eat dynamite rolls with braces?” We have also discussed other queries related to the subject at hand. 

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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