can you eat beef without a gallbladder

This brief guide will address the query, “can you eat beef without a gallbladder?” and some tips for a correct diet without a gallbladder. 

Can you eat beef without a gallbladder?

The short answer is, Yes, you can eat beef without a gallbladder. Although it is recommended to prefer lean meat and avoid pork or beef meat. So you can opt for other protein sources like chicken breast, turkey, salmon, or even plant proteins like legumes or tofu. 

Another thing to consider is that it is not recommended to eat meat, even if it is lean, immediate post-surgery.  

The gallbladder is crucial to our digestive system, it helps digest fat, and beef is mostly protein and fats, even if it’s lean. So you can eat beef without your gallbladder, only if it is lean if you are already stable after your removal surgery and if you don’t eat it frequently. 

If before the removal you were used to eating beef two times or even three times a week, consider changing this habit to a maximum of once a week. . 

What is the composition of beef? 

The composition depends on the part of the beef you are getting the steak, so for this explanation, we are considering; Beef, round, top round roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0″ fat, select, raw.  

Let’s see the composition in 100g: 

Water73.3 g
Protein23.7 g
Total Lipid2.41 g 
Carbohydrates: 0 g 
Ash (inorganic compounds) 1.11 g 


It also contains minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium Zinc, among others. 

How does my gallbladder work? 

The gallbladder is a 4-inch-long, oval-shaped organ connected to the liver. It concentrates bile from the liver and releases it into the small intestine to help break down food, mostly the fat in food.

Why could my gallbladder be removed? 

If a gallbladder becomes infected or develops stones, it may need to be removed. This procedure is known as cholecystectomy.

Without the gallbladder, bile flows freely into the small intestine, where it can’t break down food as effectively as it did if the gallbladder is still in the body. 

While you can live without your gallbladder, you must make some changes to your diet, in order to enjoy good health. 

What changes do I need to make to my diet when my gallbladder is removed? 

The most important change is to avoid fatty food, eating these after having your gallbladder removed won’t cause serious health problems, but it can lead to a lot of painful gas, bloating, and diarrhea. 

Also it is essential to limit the intake of dairy, fatty meats, caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol. You can read more of this here

Will I be able to eat fat again after my gallbladder has been removed?

Yes, you´ll be able to eat fat again, even if your gallbladder has been removed. Fat is essential to supporting cell growth, processing nutrients, protecting organs, and producing hormones, so cutting the total intake of fat is not healthy either. 

You can eat healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, seeds, and some nuts. This will significantly lower your risk of bile acid diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

You need to let your body get used to not having a gallbladder, so, after the surgery, your diet without fats should be strict. 

Months later you can eat these healthy fats we mentioned little by little, and other months later, you can try eating more fats, but this needs to be done gradually and you need to evaluate how you are feeling when eating fat again without your gallbladder. 

Depending on how you feel, you will decide and know how much fat you will be able to eat, in order to avoid feeling bad or having symptoms like bloating or diarrhea.  

Is beef good for my health if my gallbladder was removed? 

Immediately post-surgery, no, beef is not good for your health. Once you are already recovered from surgery it may be good. 

If you eat lean beef occasionally and in moderation, You should not have a problem. But it will really depend on your body, some people will tolerate eating lean beef more often than you. 

So you need to know how your body reacts when you eat lean beef and if you do ot have symptoms like bloating stomach ache or diarrhea, then you can add lean beef to your diet gradually and in small portions. This is in order to avoid stressing your digestive system. 

Beef is a good source of protein, but it is preferred for you to opt for another high-protein food with a low percentage of fat or even with no fat at all. 

Other FAQs about Beef that you may be interested in.

Can frozen beef go bad?

Can ground beef cause nausea?

Can ground beef defrost on the counter?


In this brief guide we have discussed the query, “can you eat beef without a gallbladder?” and some tips for a correct diet without a gallbladder. 


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