Can you eat avocados when you have diarrhea?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question: “Can you eat avocados when you have diarrhea?” We will also discuss why avocados are highly consumed, the different types of avocados, the health benefits caused by the ingestion of that kind of food when you have diarrhea and if there are any precautions you should take when eating avocados.  

Can you eat avocados when you have diarrhea?

Yes, you can eat avocados when you have diarrhea. However you must take care about the quantities you’re eating.. Avocado is a fruit native to Mexico and it was firstly found in the Andes. Today, it’s a part of the culture from different countries and has a large distribution all over the world. It’s available in different types and can give you a lot of health benefits.

Why are avocados highly consumed?

Avocados became popular because it is a source of high quality nutrients, keeping you healthier and satisfied. In North America and the Andeon regions it is consumed in salty recipes, such as guacamole, which is the most popular way to eat. But in South America avocados are also eaten with sugar and used in desserts like mousses. 

A totally green and hard avocado is considered an unripe fruit. A green but soft avocado is considered a ripe fruit. Brown avocados are also ripe fruits, it just suffers with the action of enzymes and time. Unripe avocados may be the best option for people who are suffering with diarrhea, because it has a higher fiber content.

What are the different avocado types?

There are different avocado types around the world, three being the most popular: Mexican , Guatemalan and West Indian. The Mexican one being the most common. The avocados fruits grow in cold temperatures and have a characteristic flavor and lots of nutrients, which is a good option to absorb nutrients lost during diarrhea.

The Guatemalan avocado is a bit bigger fruit, with an average size of 240 – 1000 grams. It has a different ripening season than the other varieties, but doesn’t support low temperatures, as it grows better and faster in warm climate countries. It is also very common, but it has a softer taste than the Mexican variety.   

The West Indian race is the rarest of all varieties, being found only in the United States, more specifically in the state of Florida. It doesn’t grow well in cold temperatures and it needs a little more humidity than the other varieties to ripening. It has a soft flesh, being easier to be eaten.   

Are there health benefits of eating avocados when you have diarrhea?

There are a lot of health benefits of eating avocados when you have diarrhea. Avocados are a great source of different vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K), metals (magnesium, copper and potassium), fibers and healthy fatty acids. Eating in the morning or at night before sleeping may help you win the lost nutrients back.

Avocados are a high fiber content fruit, having approximately 14 grams per fruit. Ingesting fibers is a great way of maintaining your intestine functioning well and, in that way, avoid gut issues such as diarrhea, constipation and abdominal discomfort. As you are having diarrhea already, low quantities of avocado can increase the chance of you getting better faster. 

Avocados have a high antioxidant content because it has substances called phenolic compounds and carotenoids. These molecules are shown to be neuroprotective, anti-stress and give protection to oxidative damage. In cases of chronic diarrhea, antioxidants are handy, since it decreases the rate of body inflammation. 

Are there any precautions you should take when eating avocados while having diarrhea?

No food should be eaten in excess and that is not different for avocados. While having lots of health benefits, avocados have lots of fat, so it is best to avoid eating in the night, when digestion becomes slow. 

Also always observe if your avocado fruit has black or white spots along the peel, because it can be rotten and get your diarrhea worse.

Due to having high quantities of fiber, avocados in excess while having diarrhea may not be the best ideia, since lots of fibers block minerals absorption in your body, such as iron, calcium and potassium. When you’re having diarrhea, you are already losing essential nutrients, so it is best to avoid losing more. 

Other FAQs about Avocado that you may be interested in.

Can you eat avocados when breastfeeding?

Can you eat an avocado when it’s hard?

Can you cook avocado in soup?



In this brief guide, we have discussed the question: “Can you eat avocados when you have diarrhea?” We also debated why avocados are highly consumed, the different types of avocados, the health benefits caused by the ingestion of that kind of food when you have diarrhea and if there are any precautions you should take when eating avocados.

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.


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