Can you eat an overripe kiwi?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question “Can you eat an overripe kiwi?” and discuss how long kiwis last. We will also discuss how to properly store kiwis and list down ways in which you can tell if your kiwis have gone bad. We will also discuss things you can do with overripe kiwis.

Can you eat an overripe kiwi?

Yes, you can eat an overripe kiwi. Some people might find it unappealing due to the appearance of its skin but it would not be harmful if you ate it. You can use it to make smoothies, salads etc.

How long do kiwis last?

The shelf life of kiwi depends on how you store it and whether it’s ripe or not. Unripe kiwi takes about 2 to7 days until it’s ripe. After it ripens, it can stay good for upto a month when kept in the refrigerator.

Ripe kiwis can last for 3 to 6 days when placed in a fruit basket on the countertop or in the pantry. You can place it in the fridge if you wish to make it last for 2 to 4 weeks.

How to properly store kiwi?

Kiwis can either be stored on the countertop or in the fridge depending on when you plan on eating it.

Unripe kiwis need to be placed at room temperature so that they ripen. You can also place them in an airtight container or a plastic bag along with an apple or a banana to speed up the ripening process. Ethylene gas produced by apples or bananas help in ripening these fruits. It will serve the same purpose for unripe kiwis as well.

If you want to increase the shelf life of kiwi to a couple of weeks then it is best to buy unripe kiwis and keep them inside the fridge.

Ripe kiwis can be stored in a fruit basket in your pantry or on the countertop. Keep them away from heat, direct sunlight and moisture and these things can cause it to spoil. 

Ripe kiwis can also be stored in the fridge. Place them inside an airtight container or a ziploc bag before you keep them in the fridge.

Overripe kiwis on the other hand, can be refrigerated. The cooler temperature would not make them fresh again or prevent them from aging, but it will slow down the aging process.

How to tell if a kiwi has gone bad?

Here’s how you can tell if a kiwi has gone bad.

  • Spoiled and rotten kiwi will have a very off or sour smell unlike a fresh kiwi which smells citrusy and sweet.
  • Look for any growth of mold. Mold can grow on the skin and pulp of kiwi. It may appear as a fuzzy growth or dark colored spots.
  • Check and see if the skin of kiwi is intact. Spoiled kiwi’s skin will be wrinkly.
  • Spoiled or rotten kiwis often tend to go dry and are not as juicy.
  • Underripe kiwis are very firm to touch while ripe kiwis are a little soft but not a lot. Rotten kiwis will be very mushy and may even have wet spots on them. You can touch and squeeze the kiwi to inspect its texture.

Find out more ways to tell if kiwi has gone bad here.

What can I do with overripe kiwis?

Although overripe kiwis can be consumed on their own, some people might find them unappealing. They are a great source of fiber, vitamins and other nutrients so it would be a total waste if you toss them out.

If you do not want to consume overripe kiwis on their own, you can use them to make kiwi bread, smoothies or ice cream. You can also use them to make salsa to go with your Mexican dishes. 

Other FAQs about Kiwi that you may be interested in.

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Can you eat kiwi when pregnant?

Do kiwis need to be refrigerated


In this brief guide, we answered the question “Can you eat an overripe kiwi?” and discussed how long kiwis last. We also discussed how to properly store kiwis and listed down ways in which you can tell if your kiwis have gone bad. We also discussed things you can do with overripe kiwis.


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