Can you eat an overripe fuyu persimmon?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question “Can you eat an overripe fuyu persimmon?” and discuss how long fuyu persimmon lasts. We will also discuss how to properly store them and list down ways to tell if fuyu persimmon has gone bad. 

Can you eat an overripe fuyu persimmon?

Yes, you can eat an overripe furu persimmon but you should eat it as soon as possible, preferably within a day, because overripe fuyu persimmons tend to go bad very quickly. 

You can eat overripe persimmons on their own or use them to make jams, breads, pudding, smoothies, purees and other desserts. Again, you should be careful when eating an overripe persimmon and make sure it is not spoiled or rotten. 

How to tell if a fuyu persimmon has gone bad?

As explained above, overripe fuyu persimmon is different from a spoiled fuyu persimmon such that slightly overripe fuyu persimmon is safe to eat while rotten fuyu persimmon is not. Here’s how you can tell if your fuyu persimmon has gone bad. 

  • Look for any discolorations on the fuyu persimmon. If you see any discolored spots such as they are bruised, brown or black then it is a sign that the fuyu persimmon has gone bad.
  • Wrinkly or discolored skin is also a sign of spoilage.
  • Look for any growth of mold as well. Mold can appear as fuzzy gray or greenish growth or bluish or greenish spots. Such fuyu persimmon should be thrown out immediately.
  • Look for any changes of the texture as well. Slimy or gooey texture indicates that the fuyu persimmon has gone bad.
  • Give it a sniff test and see if it smells fine. An off odor or a sour smell is an indication that the fuyu persimmon has gone bad. 

How long does a fuyu persimmon last?

The shelf life of fuyu persimmons largely depends on how you store them and what condition they were in when you bought them. Fuyu persimmon kept on the countertop or in the pantry at room temperature can last for about 1 to 2 days. 

If you wish to store them for a longer period of time then consider placing them inside the fridge. It is advisable to store them in the fridge as opposed to the pantry as they can last for about 5 days in the fridge. You should keep them inside an airtight container or a ziploc bag before placing them in the fridge. 

If you have bought unripe fuyu persimmons then they need to be kept at room temperature so that they ripen which will take about 2 to 4 days. After that, their shelf life depends on how you store them. 

If unripe fuyu persimmons are kept in the fridge, the cooler temperature will slow down the ripening process and they will stay fresh for about a month. 

You can also freeze fuyu persimmons to make them last for about 6 months.

How to properly store fuyu persimmons?

Fuyu persimmons can be stored at room temperature on the countertop or in the pantry or in the fridge depending on how soon you plan on eating them.

As discussed above, fuyu persimmons do not have a very long shelf life so it is better to store them inside the fridge rather than at room temperature if you want them to last for a couple of days.

For storing them in the fridge, place them in an airtight container and then store them in the fridge. Do not stack one fig over the other as they can bruise.

Unripe fuyu persimmons need to be kept at room temperature so that they ripen. You can also place them next to apples or bananas, fruits that produce ethylene gas, to speed up the ripening process. 

Once ripe, you can transfer them to the fridge or the pantry.

Find out how to properly freeze fuyu persimmons here

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In this brief guide, we answered the question “Can you eat an overripe fuyu persimmon?” and discussed how long fuyu persimmon lasts. We also discussed how to properly store them and listed down ways to tell if fuyu persimmon has gone bad. 


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