Can you eat after a deep cleaning? (1 Tip)

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, can you eat after a deep cleaning? We will discuss how long you need to wait to eat after deep cleaning and some foods and drinks you need to avoid after deep cleaning. 

Can you eat after a deep cleaning?

You can not eat after a deep cleaning procedure. It is advised to wait until the anesthesia wears out which, will take around 2 hours. Do not eat until all the numbness in your mouth has gone, and you can feel your lips, gums, and tongue. 

Why is it advised to wait until the anesthesia wears out before you eat?

Eating immediately after deep cleaning can delay the healing process. When you bite and chew, it can injure your gums which can prolong the healing process. If parts of your mouth are still numb from the anesthesia, you can hurt yourself while eating, which is harmful because it goes unnoticeable.

What is deep cleaning?

Deep cleaning is a procedure where scaling and root planning are performed till the roots. A thorough cleaning process is prescribed to people at risk of developing gum disease such as gingivitis. Deep cleaning is a non-surgical procedure that gets rid of plaque and bacteria. 

Deep cleaning is carried through different levels of technology. Manual cleaning involves tools like curettes, while modern and automated technology uses ultrasonic inserts.

Other similar procedures call for different after routines. If you go for fluoride treatment or air polishing, together with deep cleaning, you need to wait thirty minutes. However, if air polishing and fluoride treatments were involved, you do not need to wait.

Deep cleaning is different from regular cleaning and is usually prescribed to people who suffer or are prone to developing Periodontitis. Weak gums can lead to gum diseases in the future; therefore, dentists advise a person to get a deep cleaning to prevent further problems.

In regular cleaning, a practitioner will clean the surface of teeth only from the back, front, sides of the teeth, and the gumline. However, deep cleaning is more extensive because it addresses tartar buildup that starts from the gumline to the root of the teeth.

The best practice is prevention, especially when it comes to our teeth and gums. For good oral health, every doctor will advise you to brush and floss regularly and avoid foods that can potentially harm you. 

What foods must you not eat after deep cleaning?

After deep cleaning, you must not eat spicy, acidic foods, large foods, or foods that can get lodged in the mouth. Stick to healthy and soft foods to enable the mouth to heal quickly. 

Fruits such as tomatoes and oranges are acidic, while among beverages are caffeinated drinks. Large and challenging foods, such as steak and burgers, must be avoided as well. Some foods that shed pieces of themselves in the mouth stay lodged between the teeth and above gums, such as nuts and popcorn. 

You also need to avoid hot beverages and foods for a week because they can irritate and cause inflammation in your mouth. 

Some range of foods to avoid for a couple of days would be with a sticky or crunchy texture, such as chips and peanut butter.

What can you expect after deep cleaning?

After deep cleaning, you can expect teeth and gums to be swollen and sensitive. 

Minor swelling and sensitivity will continue for a few weeks. Dentists advise that you ice your mouth to reduce inflammation and to provide you with temporary relief. 

You will also observe minor bleeding for up to 48 hours after the deep cleaning procedure, such as pink saliva.

The dentist will advise you against rinsing your mouth and flossing for 48 hours. You can brush your teeth the same day gently without impacting the teeth. 

What other measures do you need to carry after deep cleaning?

Your dentist will prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers that you must take as advised. Antibiotics fight the bacteria that try to infect your vulnerable and tender gums while pain killers ward off pain. 

Also, rinsing with mouth wash is recommended to sanitize your mouth now and then. You could also use salt water rinses multiple times a day which, is even more effective in cleaning the mouth.

Eating and drinking are relatively safe. However, when it comes to smoking, dentists advise waiting for 6 hours. Also, do not eat colored foods because they can heavily stain your teeth. After you get your teeth cleaned, your teeth become temporarily porous; therefore, refrain from eating colored foods and smoking. 

In this brief guide, we answered the question, can you eat after a deep cleaning? We discussed how long you need to wait to eat after deep cleaning and some foods and drinks you need to avoid after deep cleaning. 


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