Can You Defrost Scrapple in the Microwave?

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, “can you defrost scrapple in the microwave?”. We will also discuss what scrapple is made of, how to defrost scrapple in the microwave, freezing fried scrapple, how long you can store scrapple in the fridge and freezer, and how to tell if the scrapple is bad.

Can you defrost scrapple in the microwave?

Yes, you can defrost scrapple in the microwave. Yet it is advisable to defrost it in the refrigerator for 24 hours as the safest option, according to the Food Standards Agency.

To better understand freezing and thawing scrapple, we will discuss the following details:

  • How to defrost scrapple in the microwave?
  • What is scrapple made of?
  • Can you freeze fried scrapple?
  • How long can you store scrapples in the fridge?
  • How long can you store scrapples in the freezer?
  • How to tell if scrapple has gone bad?

How to defrost scrapple in the microwave?

If you don’t want to spend 24 hours thawing your scrapple in the refrigerator, or if you have forgotten to take it out of the freezer a day before, microwaving comes in handy. 

To defrost your scrapple quickly in the microwave, you can follow the steps below:

  • Remove the scrapple from the packaging and transfer it to a microwaveable plate or container.
  • Set the microwave to the defrost setting or to 50% power.
  • Microwave for 2 minutes, or set the weight settings if your microwave has that feature.
  • Take out the scrapple and check if it’s defrosted by putting a fork into the center (it should go through the scrapple readily if defrosted).
  • If not defrosted yet, continue microwaving the scrapple for one more minute until defrosted.
  • Make sure the scrapple does not cook as you are defrosting.
  • Cook the scrapple immediately. Do not leave at room temperature as it will promote bacterial growth. Click here for more about this.
  • If you want to cook it later, put it in the refrigerator. This will keep the scrapple out of the danger zone and prevent harmful bacterial growth.

What is scrapple made of?

Scrapple is a concoction of pork meat but can sometimes contain other meats. Besides the meat, organs such as the head, liver, and heart were added. 

The pork scraps are boiled with pork bones, generating a rich broth. Once the pork is cooked, all the fats and stiff parts are removed, and the remaining meat is finely minced. 

The broth is then used for cooking the cornmeal, resulting in polenta with cooked pork mixed in. Then, it is chilled until solidified. When finished, it pretty much looks like meatloaf. 

Watch how Stoltzfus Meats produces their scrapples here.

Can you freeze fried scrapple?

Have you ever fried up the whole scrapple loaf and had leftovers? No worries, you can still preserve it by freezing it. 

Follow the steps below to freeze your fried scrapple slices:

  • Let your fried scrapple slices cool to room temperature.
  • Use a paper towel to soak up excess oil and moisture from the frying process. 
  • Wrap each slice individually with freezer-safe plastic wrap. 
  • Collect scrapple slices into a heavy-duty freezer bag or an airtight, freezer-safe container. 
  • Label and date the bag or container, so you remember when they were prepared and frozen. 
  • Squeeze out as much air as possible (if you are using a plastic bag), and seal the packaging to be airtight.
  • Your scrapple can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months until it goes bad. 

How long can you store scrapples in the fridge?

It can take up to 90 days if you have the store-bought packaged scrapple (sealed in a vacuum pack) and put it in the fridge as soon as you get home from the grocery store. The reason for this long shelf life is the airtight seal. If the scrapple was opened at the time of purchase, it is best to refrigerate and eat within seven days. 

The quality of the material varies greatly depending on where you buy the scrapple. For this reason, you can find other sources online that suggest that scrapple lasts only about seven weeks in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to check the package with the expiration date and not to consume it after the expiration date. All scrapples here at Stoltzfus Meats have a package expiration date and freezing date, so don’t worry. 

If the seal on the package breaks, it is best to cook and eat the scrapple within 57 days, regardless of the expiration date on the packaging. 

If you made your own scrapple from scratch, we suggest you cool it immediately and cook and consume it within 57 days.


How long can you store scrapples in the freezer?

Depending on the quality of the ingredients, uncooked scrapple can be stored longer and kept fresh when stored in the freezer. 

If you purchased scrapple and already knew that it couldn’t be used up in the next few days or weeks, you can immediately put it in the freezer for the best results. If you do this and be careful not to break the seal in the process, the freezing scrap can last up to 79 months in the freezer. 

However, it is advisable that you cook and consume the scrapple within 35 months of freezing, as it will begin to taste bad after a few months in the freezer.

How to tell if scrapple has gone bad?

Scrapple can retain its quality for a long time in the fridge or freezer, but it is advisable to check if the scrapple is bad before cooking and eating. Simple things like accidentally piercing a packaging sticker without realizing it can make scrapples go rancid much faster than planned. 

The most important thing is to smell the scrapple before using it. If it is very intense and stinks, it is best to throw it away. Also, pay attention to its color. Scrapples are usually gray. If you see discoloration, noticeable darkening or stains, and smell a suspicious odor, it’s a good sign that you need to throw it away and buy a new batch.

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In this brief guide, we have answered the question, “can you defrost scrapple in the microwave?”. We also have discussed what scrapple is made of, how to defrost scrapple in the microwave, freezing fried scrapple, how long you can store scrapple in the fridge and freezer, and how to tell if the scrapple is bad.


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