Can Tupperware Fridgesmarts go in the freezer? (5 Factual Points)

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, can Tupperware Fridgesmarts go in the freezer? We will discuss why it is not a good idea to store Tupperware Fridgesmarts in the freezer and also discuss some characteristics of Tupperware Fridgesmarts. 

Can Tupperware Fridgesmarts go in the freezer?

You can not put Tupperware Fridgesmarts in the freezer. The instruction guide states that Tupperware Fridgesmarts are not meant to be stored in the freezer, making them unsafe. 

It can also break Tupperware Fridgesmarts containers designed to store vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator.

If you would like to store Tupperware in the freezer, we suggest that you buy from the range of products that are meant for freezer storage such as Freezer Mates. 

While there is no harm in storing Tupperware Fridgesmarts in the freezer, it might not protect your food in the freezer or cause damage to the Tupperware. Hence, you need to be careful when you decide to put a container in the freezer and check for a snowflake symbol to ensure its safety and longevity. 

What is Tupperware Fridgesmarts?

Tupperware Fridgesmarts are venting containers to store your fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. Tupperware Fridgesmarts come in a range of products including vertical, small, small-deep, medium, medium-deep, and a starter set. 

Tupperware Fridgesmarts was developed by food scientists from the University of Florida to provide an optimal environment for your fruits and vegetables. Your produce that was stored in a 

Tupperware Fridgesmarts will last twice as long as they would in any other container.

While Tupperware Fridgesmarts are dishwasher safe and can be recycled, they are not meant to be put in a freezer, oven, or microwave. 

Tupperware Fridgesmarts have a chart that indicates the required venting system. The diagram has a clear illustration of all the common fruits and vegetables and the venting system that they require. The illustration is done within layers of the container so that it does not come off when the container is washed. 

Tupperware Fridgesmarts aren’t airtight and the venting system can be complicated for some people to understand.

Benefits that Tupperware Fridgesmarts offer;

The Tupperware Fridgesmarts have a built-in grid at the bottom of the base to keep moisture away and allow circulation of air. 

Tupperware Fridgesmarts save time and reduce food waste. Sensitive fruits and vegetables stay fresh for a long time and relieve stress and hassle. 

Tupperware Fridgesmarts containers are see-through that help you keep your fruits and vegetables organized. Tupperware Fridgesmarts keep your produce safe and prevent cross-contamination.

How does Tupperware Fridgesmarts work?

Tupperware Fridgesmarts are excellent at keeping produce fresh for a long time. Tupperware Fridgesmarts are revolutionary containers that use Atmosphere Controlled Environment.

The Atmosphere Controlled Environment allows the produce to breathe by exchanging carbon dioxide for oxygen. The venting system allows the flow of carbon dioxide and oxygen to and from the container. 

Different fruits and vegetables give out and require varying levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide. However, it does not impact how many varieties of produce you store in Atmosphere Controlled Environment regardless of whether the produce respires at a low, medium, or high rate.

The venting system – half-open, closed, or fully open.

The half-open button is suited for medium breathers, where the tab is aligned with a half-circle.

The fruits and vegetables that are medium breathers are cabbage, lettuce, green beans, oranges, blueberries, spring onions, fennels, mangoes, lemons, cauliflowers, and bell peppers, limes, apples, pears, rhubarb, and lettuce. 

When the venting option is completely closed, it aligns with a fully etched circle and is used for low breathers. Carrots, turnips, strawberries, turnips, cherries, figs, cucumbers, celery, ginger, zucchini, raspberries, and sweet potatoes belong to low breather harvest. 

The third option is fully open which is used for high breathers. Broccoli, artichokes, corn, kale, spinach, peas, asparagus, and mushrooms belong to a class of vegetables that are high breathers. 

How to store food in Tupperware in the freezer?

Freezer Mates are freezing containers designed by Tupperware to be stored in the freezer. Freezer Mates use technology that allows faster freezing and the material unmolds quickly. It has a tight-fitting seal and is durable, soft and flexible.

The unmolding characteristic of Freezer Mates adapts as the food changes its structure and can resist a temperature change of -25 Celsius or -13 Fahrenheit.  


In this brief guide, we answered the question, can Tupperware Fridgesmarts go in the freezer? We discussed why it is not a good idea to store Tupperware Fridgesmarts in the freezer and also discussed some characteristics of Tupperware Fridgesmarts. 


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