Can I have coffee after donating blood?

In this text we will discuss whether it is possible to drink coffee after donating blood. In addition, we will give you some tips on how to have a smoother recovery after blood donation.

Can I have coffee after donating blood?

The advice is to avoid caffeinated drinks – such as coffee – for the next 8 hours, as caffeine is a diuretic and causes the body to lose fluids during the day.

Blood donation can make the body weak for a certain period of time, which can vary according to each person’s body. However, there are some foods that can help restore energy faster:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Foods rich in iron (cashew nuts, red meat, beans, etc.)
  • Fruits rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits)
  • Foods rich in vitamin B6 (potatoes, bananas, nuts, etc.)

What are the effects of coffee on your blood?

The effects of coffee on your blood is the increase of the concentrations of fasting insulin levels.Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that is used to process blood glucose. High levels of this hormone indicate greater resistance to its effects. 

Is it necessary to be fasting to donate blood?

Not really. You cannot donate on an empty stomach. If you donate in the morning, eat breakfast normally, you can drink juice, coffee, tea, milk (preferably skim or soy milk) and eat bread and fruits (except avocado and jackfruit) normally. It is good to avoid fatty foods, such as: fried foods, snacks, butter, eggs and others.

If you donate in the afternoon, the ideal is to do it two hours after lunch (watch the digestion period). Lunch normally, preferably with grilled meats, salads, rice, beans. Avoid eating fatty foods (fried foods, eggs, pasta, mayonnaise, ice cream, chocolates, etc.)

What to do after donating blood?

In addition to the previous recommendations with food, such as consuming fruits rich in vitamin C and drinking plenty of water, you can take some precautions to have a complete recovery after donating blood.

Drink extra amounts of fluid in the first 24 hours after donating

This will help to replace the volume lost during the donation. This measure is particularly important in the first 4 hours after donation, so it is good to avoid drinking coffee during these first hours, as coffee is a diuretic.

Have a break

Before leaving the blood bank, remain seated for at least 15 minutes. Eat and drink the offered snack.

Avoid heavy exercise

Avoid heavy climbing and strenuous physical exercise for 12 hours. This procedure prevents bleeding and helps in healing the place where the needle was placed. It also allows your body to adjust to the volume loss that occurred with the donation.

Keep the dressing in place

Keep the dressing in place of the needle for a minimum of 4 hours. If you notice that the spot has bled again, apply pressure to the spot for 2-5 minutes and then change the dressing and keep it on for another 4 hours.

If you feel dizzy…

If, after leaving the blood bank, you feel sick, dizzy, weak and feel like you are going to pass out, sit anywhere and place your head between your knees or lie down immediately on the floor with your legs elevated. 

These measures prevent falls from standing height and increase blood circulation in the head, quickly relieving symptoms.

If you think that your blood cannot be used

If you think there is a reason why your blood should not be used for transfusion and you are unable or unwilling to say this during the donation, please contact the place where the donation was made as soon as possible and request that your blood is discarded. Disposal will be completely confidential. 

This is of great importance for the safety of the transfusion of the blood you have donated and the patients who receive your blood.

Can donating blood bring disease?

Absolutely not! The standard procedure for donating blood does not pose any risk of contamination: all the material used is disposable and there is no contact with the blood of another person.

During the pandemic of the new coronavirus, which causes Covid-19, donation sites also work with special attention to avoid the risk of spreading the virus.

In most places, measures are taken, such as increasing the number of spaces for individual scheduling (avoiding crowds and reducing the time people spend at collection points), making alcohol gel available and adopting a minimum distance between donors.

Other FAQs about Coffee that you may be interested in.

Can I drink coffee after surgery?

Can I drink coffee before an echocardiogram?

Can I drink coffee with cream while fasting?

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In this text we discuss whether it is possible to drink coffee after donating blood. In addition, we gave some tips on how to have a smoother recovery after blood donation.


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