Can I drink coffee with pancreatitis?

In this article, we will answer the question: “Can I drink coffee with pancreatitis?”. In addition, we will show what pancreatitis is and the ideal diet for this case.

Can I drink coffee with pancreatitis?

It is not recommended to drink coffee with pancreatitis. Coffee contains caffeine and catechol, which enter the stomach irritating its walls and increase the production of gastric juice, which causes aggressive effects on the gastric mucosa and pancreas.

Therefore, coffee with pancreatitis and cholecystitis is highly undesirable, especially when ingested before eating. 

The drink itself cannot provoke the development of pathology. But once you have the disease, drinking coffee can make your symptoms worse. It is better to drink the drink after eating.

How to drink coffee with pancreatitis?

There are different types of coffee and ways to prepare it that can be good options for someone with pancreatitis.

  • Instant coffee – many prefer it in the hope that it contains less caffeine than natural, but this is not entirely true. Caffeine is not much less. In addition, it has flavorings and preservatives. Therefore, for the pancreas, this is the most inappropriate option
  • Coffee with milk – the addition of milk counteracts the effect of caffeine and reduces digestive activity. If you drink it after eating and not very often, it might be a good option
  • Decaf coffee – the so-called decaffeination does not completely remove the caffeine, but it significantly reduces (by 5 times) its content. For this reason, this coffee becomes more acidic, which is very undesirable for the pancreas

So, the best option to drink coffee with pancreatitis is coffee with milk.

How to replace coffee when you have pancreatitis?

If you can’t match the pathology with your favorite drink, what can replace coffee in pancreatitis? Here are possible drinks for pancreatitis:

  • chicory – the root of this plant contains many useful components. Entering the stomach does not cause an acute release of gastric and pancreatic juice and the inulin in its composition reduces the blood sugar level, which is very important for controlling insulin production.

Chicory powder is sold in the trade network. It has a bitter taste and the addition of milk makes it similar to coffee with milk.

  • green tea – this drink is an excellent alternative to coffee. Unlike black, it undergoes minimal fermentation, so it’s healthy. In it, caffeine is not present in a pure form, but bound and is called theine. 

It is milder and has the unique ability to reduce inflammation and swelling of the pancreas, as well as reduce glucose level, normalize carbohydrate metabolism, break down fat and reduce the production of bad cholesterol. Drink after half an hour of a meal.

  • Green coffee in pancreatitis is the natural color of the coffee berry, and the lack of treatment makes it more useful for inflammation of the pancreas. It is good at processing fats. However, the beverage from the green beans also needs to be dosed.
  • cocoa – an aromatic and tasty drink. It is recommended only during a period of persistent disease remission. First, it is prepared slightly concentrated in milk. In the absence of negative manifestations, you can increase the amount of powder. 

Often, in their soluble forms, various harmful chemicals are used, which are dangerous for the diseased organ.

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas (the organ that is located at the back of the stomach). One of the main causes that lead to this disease is the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

It can be chronic or acute. The crisis usually only lasts a few days and in the case of acute pancreatitis it is cured in less than a week.

But unfortunately there are some more serious conditions that require the patient to be admitted to a hospital for the treatment to be done more deeply. Depending on the state, it can take more than a month for a person to fully recover.

What is the ideal diet for pancreatitis?

The diet of those who suffer from pancreatitis, both acute and chronic, cannot be the same as that of those who do not have a problem with the pancreas.

For Acute Pancreatitis, the ideal is not to ingest any type of food during an acute crisis or until the first 48 hours, as the person will not be able to efficiently digest the food, in addition to feeling a very strong pain in the region.

The recommended thing is just to stay hydrated, drinking plenty of water so that the intestine can rest.

The diet followed for chronic pancreatitis is very similar to the acute one, and it can be followed in the same way: it starts with only liquids, goes through soft foods and then goes to meats.

However, in some cases the doctor in charge may recommend ingesting supplements that have vitamins A, E, D and K in their composition. Others that may be indicated are those that contain calcium, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B.

Other FAQs about Coffee that you may be interested in.

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In this article, we answered the question: “Can I drink coffee with pancreatitis?”. In addition, we showed what pancreatitis is and the ideal diet for this case.


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