Can hot tea go in the fridge? (3 Things to do)

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, can hot tea go in the fridge? We will discuss the proper way to store hot tea in the fridge and some measures you could take to store tea.

Can hot tea go in the fridge?

Do not put hot tea in the fridge. You do not need to put hot tea in the fridge as high temperatures will not allow bacteria to grow.

The temperature at which tea is prepared goes as high as 212 Fahrenheit (for black tea) and you must wait for it to cool down to at least 70 Fahrenheit before you put it in the fridge.

You must not put hot food or beverages in the fridge as it brings the temperature of the fridge down and in actuality is futile. 

How to cool your tea quickly?

If you are in a rush to put the tea away in the fridge as soon as possible, there are ways to help you cool hot tea faster.

  • Transfer the tea into various containers or shallow bowls. This is especially helpful if you have a large volume of drink that needs to be cooled down quickly. 
  • Keep the tea in a cool area such as a store room or larder. 
  • Stand the tea over cold water. Secure it tightly in a closed jar to prevent the contents from spilling over. 
  • You can also put in an ice cube or two to bring the temperature of the hot tea down even faster. 
  • Stir the tea frequently. As the liquid molecules move around they distribute heat evenly and cool the beverage down quickly. 

How to store tea in the fridge?

Before you put tea in the fridge, allow it to cool down within 2-3 hours. Either put it on the countertop or in a cool place with a lid on. You could also use a fan to blow air over the drink to allow it to cool faster.

After the tea has cooled down to room temperature, do not wait to put it in the refrigerator.

If you leave tea sitting at room temperature, drink it within 8 hours. After the 8-hour benchmark, the bacteria will be in a sufficient quantity to make the tea unfit to drink especially in a hot and humid climate. 

The most essential thing to do when storing tea in the fridge is to use a plastic lid, or foil to prevent odor from other foods in the fridge from entering the tea. Better yet, use a mason jar to cover the tea properly and prevent odor from other foods as well as bacteria from entering. 

You will also need to decant and rid the steeped tea leaves from the cup, otherwise, the tea will become bitter as the flavors from the tea leaves continue to seep. 

Storing brewed tea in the freezer is also a good way if you do not want to finish it within a few days, where it will keep for around six months. 

Does tea need to be refrigerated?

Tea needs to be refrigerated if you do not plan on drinking it soon. Bacteria can and will grow in your tea making it unsafe.

Refrigeration helps by keeping the temperature low as bacteria need a temperature of at least 41 Fahrenheit to grow and multiply. The longer you leave your tea out of the fridge, the quicker it goes bad.

Inside the fridge, the tea stays at a safe temperature between 38 to 40 Fahrenheit and keeps your drink fresh for an extended period. 

Why must you never put hot food or drink in the fridge?

When you put hot food in the fridge, the steam would condense and then fall back into the same food if it is covered. Otherwise, if the food wasn’t covered, the steam would rise and condense on other food which would cause the aroma and taste of food to travel to other dishes saved in the fridge. 

Hence, hot tea must not be placed inside the fridge as it can cause other food items to spoil and also raise the temperature of the fridge. 

Moreover, keeping hot food and drink can be detrimental to the refrigerator as well. Hot stuff put inside the fridge causes it to work harder to keep its temperature down. It will not only increase your electricity bill but will cause your fridge to eventually break down.


In this brief guide, we answered the question, can hot tea go in the fridge? We discussed the proper way to store hot tea in the fridge and some measures you could take to store tea.


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