Can fish eat African dwarf frogs?

This article will address the question, “Can fish eat African dwarf frogs?” We will also outline if they can live together in a community tank and what are the best tankmates.

Can fish eat African dwarf frogs?

Yes, some fish, if they are big enough, can eat African dwarf frogs. However, African dwarf frogs can be kept with docile community fish. 

What is an African dwarf frog?

The rivers and streams of central Africa are where the first African dwarf frogs were discovered. These amphibians spend their whole lives submerged in water and are classified as totally aquatic. 

Domicile community fish are an acceptable companion for African dwarf frogs. They should not be housed with fish that are hostile, since they will not do well in competition with such species. Olive green to a more brownish-green may be seen in certain specimens of this species.

Are fish able to coexist with the African dwarf frogs?

African dwarf frogs can coexist with fish. The kind and sociable nature of African dwarf frogs make it possible for them to coexist without conflict with fish.

African dwarf frogs are great additions to tropical community tanks because of their small size. Having said that, you must ensure that these frogs are kept with the appropriate fish. The size of the fish is important because the frogs could eat them for food if they are too little.

The fish shouldn’t be too huge, too, since if they are, they could devour the frogs. Additionally, since the frogs are so placid, the fish that they mate with ought to be quiet as well.

The following fish are compatible with African dwarf frogs and may coexist without incident:

  • Guppies
  • Platies
  • Mollies
  • Tetras
  • Zebra danios
  • Corydoras
  • Honey gouramis

What constitutes a suitable companion for African dwarf frogs?

It is important to consider some aspects to find a suitable companion for your African dwarf frog, such as:

Small size

Dwarf frogs in Africa are often little more than 3 inches (7.5 cm) in length, making them teeny-tiny creatures. Therefore, it’s better to keep them alongside other fish in the tank that is also on the smaller side.

When you have larger fish in the tank, your frogs face the danger of being nibbled on, tormented, and even devoured by the larger fish.

It is highly recommended that you should not introduce any fish that are any longer than three inches (7.5 cm) in length Your frogs will not end up on anyone’s plate in this manner.


No of their size, several kinds of fish are known for being obnoxious and rude. It shouldn’t come as much of a shock, but it is true for certain individuals as well.

However, if you want to take this seriously, you should steer clear of any fish that is labelled as aggressive or semi-aggressive.

Even while nippy, aggressive fish may not be able to devour a frog in a single bite, multiple nibbles may do the helpless frog significant injury.

What are the tank mates that should be avoided?

The following are some fishes that you should avoid keeping in the same tank as the African dwarf frog.

African Clawed Frogs

It is not possible to combine African clawed frogs with African dwarf frogs. Both of these species are often confused with one another in the pet trade, in part because their common names are so close to one another, and in particular, because some locations refer to African dwarf frogs as African dwarf clawed frogs.

It’s almost as though they want to throw people off their scent. And you may be thinking, “They come from the same locations, and they’re all frogs, so the whole thing will be one big happy froggy family.”

It does not work out this way.

The unfortunate reality is that the clawed frogs will rapidly mature into a size that is far greater than that of the dwarf frogs.

After that, the clawed frogs will have a nice meal of the dwarf frogs that they have captured.

Big Fish

Dwarf frogs found in Africa are often rather little. The presence of large fish poses a clear threat to them.

In general, fish will consume any tank member provided the prey item is tiny enough to fit in their teeth.

Even the most docile of species can’t help but gobble up the occasional shrimp, fish, or amphibian that happens to wander into their territory. It’s nothing more than a basic inclination.

It is thus best to err on the side of caution and refrain from adding fish that grow to a length of more than three inches (7.5 centimetres).

Before bringing new frogs into your house, it is important to do some study on their eventual size to determine whether or not they would be suitable tank mates for your existing frogs.

Some fish are little and adorable when you buy them, but within a year they may grow to be tank-busting monsters that are two feet long.

Aggressive fish

Even though they’re quite a little, several species of fish may be rather aggressive. Do some research on the personalities of the fish you’re thinking of adding to your aquarium.

Steer clear of anything that even remotely sounds combative or confrontational. Just don’t put yourself in that position.

Even if they are not large enough to devour your frogs, vicious fish may nevertheless brother and hurt your frogs.

The frogs run the risk of passing away if they are subjected to an excessive amount of stress.

The Goldfish versus African dwarf frog

Goldfish may seem to be little and endearing when you buy them from the pet shop, but they will swiftly mature into 6-inch long devouring machines.

Do not even entertain the idea of placing goldfish in a tank with frogs because if the goldfish reach the appropriate size, they will consume the frogs there.

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In this article, we addressed the question, “Can fish eat African dwarf frogs?” We also outlined if they can live together in a community tank and what are the best tankmates.

Hope you found this article useful. If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments below.


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