Can dogs eat wotsits?

In this article, we will answer the query, “Can dogs eat wotsits?” along with some other questions like are wotsits safe for your dog? What can you do if your dog ate wotsits? What types of human snacks are safe for your dog? And is there any alternative to crisps?

Can dogs eat wotsits?

No, dogs cannot eat wotsits. It is not safe for your dog to consume wotsits because it has a high amount of salt, sugar, and fat content which is unhealthy for your dog. Some brands use milk in it and it is not a good idea if your dog is lactose intolerant.

Are wotsits safe for your dog?

No, wotsits are not safe for your dog to consume. Following are the health hazards of eating wotsits for your dog:

High amount of fat content

The high amount of fat is not good for your dog. High amounts of fat can cause obesity, pancreatitis, and heart problems in your dog.

Obesity can lead to bone and joint problems. Bones and joints are unable to lift the extra weight gain of the body leading to bone fractures and joint inflammation called arthritis. Arthritis is a painful condition for your dog.

The pancreas is an organ in the body that is capable of releasing digestive enzymes in the body. These digestive enzymes digest the food material in the intestine. 

If the food has a high amount of fat content in it, it can lead to pancreatitis which is the inflammation of the pancreas in the body. 

The pancreas is unable to digest the high-fat content in the intestine and high-fat content can cause pancreatitis in the body.

The extra amount of fat content in the body is dangerous for your dog’s heart. The extra amount of fat can gain entry into the circulation leading to heart problems in your dog. 

The extra amount of fat can be stuck in the major blood vessels supplying the heart leading to a heart attack in the worst-case scenario.

High amount of sugar

The high amount of sugar is not healthy for your dog because it can cause obesity, diabetes, and tooth damage.

Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to control the blood sugar level. These are two types of diabetes. One is called type I diabetes and the other is called type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is dangerous for your dog.

Sugar is the favorite content of the bacteria residing in the oral cavity of your dog. The bacteria in the oral cavity can convert sugar into acids. These acids can damage the enamel covering the teeth. This leads to damaged teeth and your dog is unable to eat its favorite treat and food.

High amount of salt

The high amount of salt is not healthy for your dog to eat. High amounts of salt can cause dehydration in the body. Dehydration if not treated can lead to hypovolemia which ultimately leads to hypovolemic shock in dogs. It is very difficult to treat a dog if it gets into shock.

When the amount of sodium outside the cells increases, it draws water from inside the cells to outside the cells leading to cellular dehydration in the body. Following are the clinical signs of cellular dehydration in the body:

  • Increase panting
  • Increased thirst
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy

We perform a skin turgor test to evaluate the dehydration in the body.

So far we have discussed the harmful effects of wotsits on your dog. Now let’s dive into the details of what you can do if your dog ate wotsits?

What can you do if your dog ate wotsits?

If you are sure that your dog has eaten wotsits, you should give plenty of water to your dog. The extra amount of water can help your dog to flush out extra amounts of salt from the body. 

You should observe your dog for 24 hours to see if there are any signs of distress and discomfort in your dog. If your dog shows any signs of distress and discomfort, you should take your dog to the vet as he is the only person who can help you and your dog.

Is there any alternative to wotsits?

Yes, you can give apples and carrots. They are extremely good for your dog to consume. You can slice the apples and carrots into a thin crisp.

What human snacks are safe for your dog?

Following are the human snacks that are safe for your dog:

  • Peanut butter
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Plain Popcorn
  • Vegetables


In this article, we answered the query, “Can dogs eat wotsits?” We also discussed other questions like are wotsits safe for your dog? What can you do if your dog ate wotsits? What types of human snacks are safe for your dog? And is there any alternative to crisps?


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