Can dogs eat twiglets?

In this article, we will answer the question, “Can dogs eat twiglets?” along with some other questions like are twiglets safe for your dog? What are the ingredients in twiglets? Can dogs eat marmite? Can dogs eat marmite gravy? And what can you do if your dog ate twiglets?

Can dogs eat twiglets?

No, dogs cannot eat twiglets. It is not safe for your dog to eat twiglets but up to a certain limit. If your dog has eaten a few twiglets, there is no need to worry about it. If your dog has eaten a whole packet of twiglets, you should quickly visit the vet because it is not healthy for your dog.

Are twiglets safe for your dog?

No, twiglets are not safe for your dog but up to a certain limit. Twiglets have certain ingredients that are harmful if they are consumed in large quantities. One of the ingredients in the twiglet is salt. 

Consuming high amounts of salt is dangerous for your dog because it can cause dehydration. Artificial flavors are also unhealthy if consumed in large quantities.

What are the ingredients in twiglets?

There are several ingredients in twiglets that improve the taste of the twiglets but you need to make sure that your dog doesn’t eat twiglets. Following are the ingredients of twiglets:

Yeast extract

Yeast extract is added to improve the flavor of the twiglets. Yeast extract is added only because it is made for human consumption. It is not made for your dog’s consumption. Yeast extract gives it a salty flavor which is not healthy for your dog. 

Consuming high amounts of yeast extract can cause salt poisoning in your dog. Salt poisoning can prove deadly for your dog.

The increased amount of salt can lead to dehydration in the body. Dehydration can lead to hypovolemia which is the reduced amount of blood in the blood vessels. The increased amount of salt can draw the water from the cell and lead to cellular dehydration in the body.

The end-stage of dehydration is the hypovolemic shock if the dog is not treated in time. It is very difficult to stabilize the dog in shock condition.

Added salt

Besides the yeast extract, extra salt is also added to it which further increases the salt content in it. As we have discussed earlier, a high amount of salt is unhealthy for your dog. The dog’s daily requirement of salt is less than that of human beings therefore it is important that you do not give high salt-containing food to your dog.

Wheat flour

The next ingredient on the list is wheat flour. Although wheat flour is safe for your dog to consume, some dogs are gluten sensitive. Gluten is the compound in wheat that is unable to digest by the dog’s digestive system.

White pepper

The next ingredient on the list is white pepper. White pepper is safe for your dog to consume. Consuming high amounts of white pepper can lead to sneezing which dogs do not like. 

It also causes gastrointestinal irritation which can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. However, the amount of white pepper in the twiglet is not that high and is safe for your dog because it is mixed in rather than sprinkled on the twiglets.

Vegetable oil

The last ingredient on the list is vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is not safe for your dog as it can increase the weight gain of your dog and can cause pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is a painful condition in which your dog is unable to digest food properly. 

So far we have discussed the harmful effects of twiglets on your dog’s health. Now let’s dive into the details of can dogs eat marmite?

Can dogs eat marmite?

No, dogs cannot eat marmite. It is not safe for your dog to consume marmite because it has high salt content in it. The high salt content is unhealthy for your dog to consume. High salt content is deadly for your dog because it can cause high blood pressure in your dog.

Can dogs eat marmite gravy?

No, dogs cannot eat marmite gravy. It is not safe for your dog to eat marmite gravy because marmite gravy has added salt, sauces, and seasonings which is not healthy for your dog.

What would you do if your dog ate twiglets?

First, you shouldn’t panic in this situation. You should know how many twiglets your dog has consumed. Visit a vet as quickly as possible for better treatment.


In this article, we answered the query, “Can dogs eat twiglets?” We also discussed other questions like are twiglets safe for your dog? What are the ingredients in twiglets? Can dogs eat marmite? Can dogs eat marmite gravy? And what can you do if your dog ate twiglets?


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