Can dogs eat runner beans?

In the article, we will answer the query, “Can dogs eat runner beans?” along with some other questions like are runner beans healthy for your dog? What is the nutritional value of runner beans? How many runner beans can you give your dog? And what are other beans your dog can consume?

Can dogs eat runner beans?

Yes, dogs can eat runner beans. Runner beans are safe for your dog. It is important that you should know how to provide runner beans to your dog. Runner beans should be cooked and reduced in size before giving them to your dog. Not all beans are safe for your dog. You should check the nutritional profile before giving it to your dog.

Are our runner beans healthy for your dog?

Runner beans have a variety of benefits. Following are some benefits of runner beans:

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is essential in blood clotting in the body. Runner beans have an adequate amount of vitamin K, which can benefit your dog.

Low in calories

The high amount of calories is a health hazard for your dog. The high amount of calories can lead to increased weight. Obesity is the cause of many problems, such as heart problems.


Runner beans have an adequate amount of potassium. Potassium is responsible for kidney function, plays a role in the osmotic balance of the cells, and is also essential for nerve impulse transmission.


Iron is the core element of hemoglobin which is the oxygen-carrying protein in the red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to the vital organs of the body. Runner beans have an adequate amount of iron.


Calcium is essential for your dog’s body. Its major role is in bone strength. Calcium is deposited on bones which increases bone density and further strengthens it. Runner beans have an adequate amount of calcium in them.

So far, we have discussed the benefits of runner beans. Now let’s discuss how you can provide your dog with runner beans?

How can you provide runner beans to your dog?

You should prepare a delicious runner beans recipe for your four-legged friend so he can enjoy a tasty and delicious recipe along with some health benefits. This is how you provide runner beans to your dog:

  • First of all, chop the runner beans into small pieces. It is important to reduce the size because it can cause choking in small dogs.
  • After chopping, boil or steam the runner beans. It is not advisable to provide raw runner beans because it has lectin in them.
  • If you want to give something extra to your furry friend, then add a small amount of coconut oil to it.

What shouldn’t you add to a runner beans recipe?

The important thing you should keep in mind is to serve your dog plain beans. You should not add any kind of salt to it. Salt is dangerous for your dog as it contains high sodium, which can cause sodium poisoning.

You should not add any kind of seasonings or sauces to it. The human sauce is toxic for your dog. Please do not add onion or garlic to it. Onion and garlic are toxic for your dog. If your dog consumes garlic, even in small quantities, it will prove deadly. 

One last thing which is important, the outer covering of runner beans is tough and hard. It is difficult for some dogs to digest it in large pieces.

How much runner beans should you give to your dog?

Remember, these beans are a type of snack and not dog food. It should be given in excess quantity. Beans are healthy for your dog, and it has high nutritive value if given in the right amount.

The rule of thumb is you shouldn’t give your dog more than 10% of his daily calorie intake. This means if your dog has a requirement of 1000 calories per day, then you should not feed your dog more than 100-calorie dog snacks. The other 900 calories should be from complete and balanced dog food.

What type of beans can your dog consume?

There are a variety of beans that your dog can consume. Here is the list of beans that your dog can consume:

  • Green beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Navy beans
  • Lima beans
  • Black beans 
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Soybeans
  • Edamame

What are the types of beans your dog cannot consume?

Following is the list of beans that your dog cannot consume:

  • Refried beans
  • Baked beans
  • Raw kidney beans
  • Fava beans

Other FAQs about Beans that you may be interested in.

Can you cook different beans together?

Can my dog eat beans and rice?

What happens when adding vanilla beans to beer?


In this article, we discussed, “Can dogs eat runner beans?” We also discussed other questions like what are the benefits of runner beans? How can you provide runner beans to your dog? What type of beans are safe, and what type are unhealthy for your dog? And how many beans can you provide your dog?


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