Can dogs eat roti?

In this article, we will answer the query,“Can dogs eat roti?” along with some other questions like Is roti or chapati safe for your dog? What ingredients in roti are harmful to your dog and why? 

Can dogs eat roti?

No, dogs cannot eat roti. Roti is composed of wheat which contains gluten. Consuming too much gluten can lead to many problems. Giving your dog too much roti can lead to digestive problems, which can be very difficult to tackle. Gluten intolerance is very common in dogs.

Is roti safe for your dog?

No, roti is not safe for your dog. Roti bread or chapati is not what you should give your dog. In our homes, we consume roti that is made up of flour. It gives us energy, but that is not the case with our carnivore friend.

The gluten part of the wheat flour is not safe for your dog. You should never listen to the people who tell you to feed your dog roti, as it is best. It could be best in our case but not in the case of dogs.

What is gluten in roti?

The roti we consume in our homes is made up of wheat. Wheat has an ingredient known as gluten. Gluten is composed of two proteins one is Glutenin, and the other is Gliadin. Gladin is the reason why most dogs are becoming gluten intolerant.

Glutenin is safe to consume for your dogs. It is not only the roti that is causing so much gluten intolerance but also the other gluten-containing foods.

How is gluten dangerous for your dog?

Following are the reasons why gluten is harmful to your dog:

Protease enzyme activity

To understand why gluten is dangerous for your dog, you need to first know the digestive physiology of your dog. Dogs are carnivorous, meaning they love meat such as beef and chicken. They can digest the meat.

Digestion in your pets is a very complex process. It starts in the mouth and goes down to the intestine. The food is partially digested in the mouth, and when it reaches the intestine, the enzymes break it. Protease, Lipase, and Amylase are the enzymes in the intestine responsible for breaking down the food particles.

Gluten digestion is related to protease. Protease is important for the complete digestion of gluten. Gluten intolerance is the indigestion of gluten, but how did this happen over time? When stray animals like dogs are domesticated, they evolve according to the feed they consumed over time. They consumed packaged food, processed food, and human food.

This lowers the ability of this enzyme to digest gluten. This is what happened with the protease activity over time.

Gluten hinders absorption

Protease is unable to digest the gluten in the intestine; therefore, the gluten remains in the intestine as undigested food particles. Your pet’s body has a natural mechanism by which they tackle foreign objects. The undigested food is now a foreign object in the intestine, and the body tries to eliminate it but fails to do so.

The undigested gluten remains in the intestine, and it affects the microvilli, thus decreasing the absorption of the nutrients from the intestine into the blood. This will have a negative impact on your dog’s health.

So far, we have discussed the harmful effects of gluten. Now let’s discuss how you can diagnose gluten intolerance in your dog.

How can you diagnose gluten intolerance in your dog?

Diagnosing a problem in your pet is not that easy. What possible option do you have? You can visit a vet who can perform a complete physical exam of your pet along with some biochemical tests to see if your dog is intolerant to gluten.

This is quite expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, the test to check gluten intolerance is not that accurate. This is the thing you should consider before making any decision. One thing you can perform at home which can possibly tell you if your dog is gluten intolerant or not?

Change your dog’s diet to gluten-free food. Observe your dog carefully, and watch out for any abnormal behavior. Check the amount of diet he is consuming and the consistency, color, and smell of the poop.

Now shift your dog back to gluten-containing food. See if there is a change in the behavior of your dog. Observe the amount of food he is consuming along with the poop, allergies, and mood swings.

If you observe a change, then it is possible that your dog is gluten intolerant, and if not, you can remove gluten intolerance from your list.

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In this article, we answered the query, “Can dogs eat roti?” We also discussed other questions like what is gluten? Why is gluten harmful to your dogs? And how can you diagnose gluten intolerance in your dog?


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