Can cinnamon get you high? 

In this brief guide, we will answer the question, can cinnamon get you high? We will discuss the effect of abusing spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg and why cinnamon must be consumed in minute quantities.

Can cinnamon get you high?

No, cinnamon cannot get you high. Spices that mimic the effects of drugs like marijuana and LSD are nutmeg, in high quantities such as 7 to 8 large capsules. Ground Nutmeg has myristicin which is hallucinogenic.(1)

Cinnamon is generally well tolerated and is believed to be safe. Large doses (7 g/day) may cause hepatotoxicity due to the coumarin content. Caution should be used in subjects with liver disease, those on hypoglycemic agents (additive effect) and/or hepatotoxic medications.(2)

 What are the effects of cinnamon on the central nervous system?

The effects of cinnamon on the central nervous system are due to its rich source of polyphenol content, exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and can be  applied as a safe preventive and therapeutic agent against neurological disorders on the central nervous system.

Cinnamon can act against neuroinflammation, brain injury, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, and migraine. 

The cinnamon ingredients such as Trans-cinnamaldehyde (TCA), cinnamaldehyde as well as eugenol may also exert several neuroprotective effects. 

The eugenol is found to be neuroprotective with possible application to treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and Parkinson’s disease. 

TCA is known to safely reduce inflammation in microglia, neural damage, apop-tosis, myelin degeneration, dysfunctional protein aggregation, and overall function of the nervous system. (5)

What are the Health Benefits Of Cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a spice rich in nutrients and compounds, including polyphenols, antioxidants, cinnamaldehyde, citral, and cinnamate. Research suggests that cinnamon can have several health benefits, particularly for individuals with type 2 diabetes. 

It may help improve glucose absorption, enhance insulin sensitivity, increase glycogen synthesis, and delay stomach emptying. However, it’s important to note that cinnamon should not replace prescribed diabetes medication.

Cinnamaldehyde, found in all cinnamon varieties, is responsible for these effects. Cinnamon also contains antioxidants, which play a crucial role in neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body’s cells. 

Furthermore, cinnamaldehyde has antibacterial properties and has shown potential in inhibiting malignant cell growth in animal studies. 

Cinnamon components may also have positive effects on Alzheimer’s disease prevention, reducing inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, and preventing arterial hardening.

Overall, while cinnamon offers potential health benefits, it should be incorporated as part of a balanced diet and used in conjunction with medical advice and treatment plans.(3)

What are the risks of cinnamon?

Coumarin is a hepatotoxic natural compound found in different Cinnamomum species. Some varieties of cinnamon, particularly cassia, contain high levels of coumarin. 

Cassia is derived from Cinnamomum cassia, Cinnamomum loureiroi, and Cinnamomum burmannii, while true cinnamon comes from Cinnamomum verum, which contains lower amounts of coumarin. 

Commercially available food products often use cassia for its flavor, resulting in the presence of coumarin in these products when consumed in large quantities. Coumarin is known to be hepatotoxic, meaning it can potentially harm the liver.(4)


  1. Smith, M.  Nutmeg. Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 630–631. (2014).
  2. Najm, W. I.  An Overview on Nutraceuticals and Herbal Supplements for Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions for Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, 355–365. (2012).
  3. Ribeiro-Santos, R., Andrade, M., Madella, D., Martinazzo, A. P., de Aquino Garcia Moura, L., de Melo, N. R., & Sanches-Silva, A.  Revisiting an ancient spice with medicinal purposes: Cinnamon. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 62, 154–169.(2017).
  4. Ballin, N. Z., & Sørensen, A. T.  Coumarin content in cinnamon containing food products on the Danish market. Food Control, 38, 198–203.(2014).
  5. Ali Ahmadi, et. al. Therapeutic potential of cinnamon for neurological disorders: A mini-review Neurology Asia; 27(1) : 1 – 17; 2022

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