Are pear seeds poisonous?

In this article, we will answer the question “Are pear seeds poisonous?” and discuss what they contain and why they are dangerous.

Are pear seeds poisonous?

Yes, pear seeds are poisonous as they include a poison that occurs naturally (amygdalin). When consumed, this toxin reacts with stomach enzymes, causing cyanide poisoning in the gut. This can cause stomach pain, sickness, and even death, particularly in youngsters.

Are pear seeds poisonous to dogs?

Pears are safe to eat for dogs, but even healthy foods can cause choking. As tempting as it may be to throw your remaining pear core to your dog, avoid offering your dog any portions of pears that contain seeds, as seeds are not only poisonous in large numbers, but they may also cause choking.

Why are they dangerous?

Humans are susceptible to cyanide poisoning at dosages of 0.5–3.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. If the seeds are consumed with the fruit, this chemical interacts with human enzymes, thereby cutting off the sugar portion of the molecule. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach muscle contractions, disorientation, cherry-red skin color, liver damage, abnormally low blood pressure, drooping upper eyelid, difficulty walking owing to damaged nerves, fever, mental confusion, coma, and death. Humans can die from as little as 1.5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.

Apple seeds contain about 3 milligrams of amygdalin per gram of seeds (one seed is approximately 0.7g). Because not all of this mass will be transformed into hydrogen cyanide (some of it will be the sugar portion of the molecules that is cleaved off), it’s clear that you’d have to eat a lot of apple seeds to poison oneself, and there don’t appear to be any documented examples of this happening.

When and how to harvest pear seeds?

Pear seeds, like the seeds of many other fruit trees, seldom yield the same pear as the original. This is because pears reproduce sexually and, like humans, have a large genetic variety. You will not obtain Bosc pears if you sow a seed from a Bosc pear, develop the tree, then harvest the fruit ten to twenty years later. The pears may be bland or inedible.

 Grower beware: grafting a branch from an established Bosc pear tree is a preferable option if you want a Bosc pear. You’ll receive exactly what you desire in a far shorter amount of time. However, if you’re feeling adventurous, you might not mind if the fruit isn’t identical. In any case, you want to know when and how to harvest pear seeds. 

When the seeds are developed, which occurs when the pear is ripe, is the best time to gather pear seeds. Some pears ripen early in the summer, while others mature later. Pick and eat the ripe pear. Remove the pulp and save the seeds. Allow the seeds to dry out for a day or two by placing them on a dry paper towel. That is all there is to it.

Pear seeds name

The Rosaceae family includes Pyrus communis, sometimes known as the European Pear (wild pear). Central and Eastern Europe, as well as southwest Asia, are home to this species. Pyrus may be found in vast fields, alongside roads, and near settlements. Standard trees reach a height of 25-30 feet (rarely 60 feet).

 Despite the beauty of the early spring blooms and the attractiveness of the fruit, Pyrus communis is often cultivated for its fruit yield rather than as an ornamental. Creamy white blooms with 5 prominent petals occur in corymbs in early spring, March/April, on spur-like branchlets. The flowers give birth to pear-shaped edible fruits that mature in the summer. The crenate to serrate edges of the ovate to elliptic glossy dark green alternating leaves (to 4”) are ovate to elliptic.

When mature, the leaf is a gleaming green above and lighter and drab below, turning hues of red and yellow in the fall. The twigs are glossy brown to reddish-brown, with a medium texture and spur shoots; the terminal buds are small (less than 1/4 inch), conical to dome-shaped, and may be mildly hairy. Gray-brown to reddish-brown bark with shallow furrows and flat-topped scaly ridges becomes greyish brown.

Pyrus communis is usually erect and conical in form, with relatively narrow branch angles. In the winter, hardiness zones 4–8 (-32°C/-25°F, -10°C/15°F). In general, pears thrive in cold, dry climates. In full sun, well-drained, humusy loams with medium moisture are best. Heavy clays are tolerated. For the greatest cross-pollination, plant two or more kinds. Frosts in the early spring can harm flowers.

Other FAQs about Pears that you may be interested in.

How to preserve pears


In this article, we answered the question “Are pear seeds poisonous?” and discuss what they contain and why they are dangerous.


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