Are eggs bad for acid reflux?

In this article, we will answer the following question: Are eggs bad for acid reflux? We will discuss the benefits of eggs for the digestive tract and their role in acute digestive problems. We will also talk about the treatment of acid reflux. 

Are eggs bad for acid reflux?

Fried or hard-boiled eggs may be bad for acid reflux, while soft boiled and poached eggs are an excellent alternative for those who need a protein source but are affected by processed or red or fried meat. These products can cause gastric reflux, mostly if consumed in the evening. 

As part of a balanced diet, eggs help maintain a healthy digestive tract and help acute digestive problems. In addition to being high in nutrients, eggs are generally easy to digest compared to other foods high in protein – such as meat and legumes.

Due to their sulfur content, eggs may contribute to intestinal gas in some people, but they are beneficial for other digestive symptoms. In acute diarrhea, eggs are a more tolerable protein source than beans, nuts, or fried meat. Fresh eggs are ideal since some processed egg products and alternatives contain gluten, an ingredient to be avoided at all times by patients with celiac disease to prevent the onset of symptoms.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which primarily includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, is one of the most severe digestive illnesses. Patients sometimes experience pain and diarrhea during an active flare. Although the diet is very individualized in patients with IBD, they often report that eggs are one of the best-tolerated protein sources. 

Thus, consuming eggs is important since maintaining a balanced diet and preventing malnutrition is a challenge for some of these patients, especially during frequent or prolonged flare-ups.

Our bodies can only get essential amino acids from foods or supplements (unlike synthesis, the way our body produces vitamin D by absorbing sunlight, for example). Methionine is an antioxidant and a detoxifying agent.

Manufacturers often fortify eggs with omega-3 fatty acids, another type of essential nutrient. Researchers have found that a high dietary intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), one of the three omega-3 fatty acids, is associated with a 77% reduction in the risk of developing ulcerative colitis.

Because of their role in preventing ulcerative colitis and liver disease, and as a nutrient source of protein in the presence of symptoms of diarrhea, eggs are often an excellent choice for digestive health.

The most common signs and symptoms of acid reflux

Pay attention to the following signs after you consume eggs, to know if they are responsible for the acid reflux you feel or not:

  • persistent retrosternal burning sensation (heartburn) that frequently occurs after a meal, lying down or bending forward
  • sour taste in the mouth (due to acid reflux from the stomach)
  • excessive salivation
  • retrosternal pain, pain when swallowing
  • dry cough or hoarseness
  • foreign body sensation in the throat
  • Complications: Untreated, gastroesophageal reflux disease can lead to inflammation of the esophagus, its narrowing, ulcers, and even esophageal bleeding, to esophageal cancer and lung damage by aspiration of gastric juice into the lungs during sleep.

Treatment for acid reflux

The treatment aims to reduce the abnormal reflux of gastric juice from the stomach into the esophagus and prevent lesions of the esophageal mucosa.

In addition to the drug treatment recommended by the gastroenterologist, it is essential to suppress the risk factors, namely weight loss, stop smoking and avoid alcohol, coffee, chocolate, citrus juices, etc.

In the list of factors causing heartburn, fruit juices are also included because they can sometimes be poorly tolerated depending on their constituents’ acidity. Of course, in the line of sight, citrus fruits, such as orange, grapefruit, or lemon, but also tomato.

Learn here about the ten most common heartburn triggers.

You should also limit your consumption of drinks containing caffeine, such as cola, suspected of promoting burns. Note, however: people suffering from heartburn are often advised to drink milk. This recommendation is not to be followed in the long term.

Milk has a calming effect at the time, but it also promotes the secretion of gastric juices. The best is still to stick to mineral water, still or weakly carbonated.

Adopt the right rhythm – Generally, it is advisable to reduce the amount of food ingested: it is better to have a few light snacks than two huge meals a day;

It is also important to avoid lying down directly after eating, as this can also be a trigger for these pains. 

Having a better lifestyle is, therefore, essential for good digestion. Your stomach will thank you, and the rest of your body will too!

Other FAQs about Eggs which you may be interested in.

What does a raw egg taste like?

How long can eggs be left unrefrigerated?

The bottom line

Fried eggs may be perceived as acidic by some because they are often cooked in oil or butter. However, soft-boiled eggs are the best alternative for proteins that are known to create heartburn (such as red meat or processed meat). 

As part of a balanced diet, eggs help maintain a healthy digestive tract and help acute digestive problems. In addition to being high in nutrients, eggs are generally easy to digest than other foods high in protein.

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